Call for papers: “Place-making in the desertscape” conference

The Institut français d’archéologie orientale and the CAŚ UW Research Station in Cairo are pleased to announce the conference
Place-making in the desertscape: the socialization of the Egyptian-Sudanese Eastern Desert landscape in the longue durée (4th millennium BCE-4th century CE)
To be held in Cairo on April 27-30, 2024.
We invite proposals of papers that address interdisciplinary methodologies and different types of research on the landscape of the Egyptian-Sudanese Eastern Desert, especially at sites associated with resource extraction, as well as the application of research tools from outside Egyptology and archaeology – from disciplines such as linguistics, sociology, cognitive science, computer science, geography, ecology or topography.
The deadline for submitting abstracts is December 17, 2023. Details can be found here.