Every year CRAC launches a call for candidates for two post-doctoral fellows who will conduct their research at the University of Warsaw. The fellowship lasts 12 months. The current call can be found here.
Four times a year CRAC opens a call for applications for CRAC Small Grants. The grants aim at supporting research and dissemination within the field of ancient studies, and particularly these activities which in a specific way will contribute to a better quality of research, publications and UW international position. The current call can be found here.
CRAC accepts continously the applications for the purchase of books in the field of ancient studies hardly accessible in Warsaw libraries. The proposals can be submitted by faculty members and doctoral candidates from the University of Warsaw. The applications should be sent via email: crac(at)uw.edu.pl. Regulations and application form are available here.
The Centre supports the arrivals of the international guests who come to deliver a lecture or paper on the seminars organised at University of Warsaw. CRAC can give the support to the amount of 2000 PLN for every guest to pay for their travel and accommodation. The main requirement is that the guest beyond Poland will deliver a public lecture or a paper on the topic of ancient studies. Learn more >>