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Ewa Wipszycka Warsaw Late Antique Seminar in Winter Semester

Ewa Wipszycka Warsaw Late Antique Seminar 

Time: Always on Thursdays, 4.45 p.m.

Venue: Room 203 at the Faculty of Law, University of Warsaw

Online: Yes

Convenors: Agata Deptuła (agata.deptula@uw.edu.pl) & Robert Wiśniewski (r.wisniewski@uw.edu.pl)

Read more: lateantiqueseminar.historia.uw.edu.pl



​​3.10 Laurent Ripart (Université Savoie Mont Blanc), The bipolar organisation of early Lerinian monasticism

10.10 Matthias Sandberg (Universität Münster), There and back again: the princeps humilis and the Late Antique Empire

17.10 Verena Fugger (independent), The power of bones: on the agency of relics in the North Syrian Desert steppe

24.10 Paulina Komar (UW), Wine, church and economy during Late Antiquity 

31.10 Jakub Urbanik (UW), D. i 3.37 / P. Oxy. lxxxv 5495 – Consuetudo strikes back

7.11 Jakob Riemenschneider (Universität Giessen), Social distinctions and commonalities in sixth-century Gaza

14.11 Basemah Hamarneh (Universität Wien), Iconophobia in the Churches of the Levant: (Re)inventing images or seeking salvation?

21.11 Serena Ammirati (Università Roma Tre), References and cross-references in late antique law books: a few years after REDHIS

28.11   Adam Łajtar & Agata Deptuła (UW) Severus of Antioch in Nubia. Tracing early Christian traditions in Qasr Ibrim’s Greek manuscripts

5.12 Gavin Kelly (University of Edinburgh), Reinterpreting Ammianus Marcellinus: a new translation and a new edition

12.12 Andrea Bernier (Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika), Deconstructing the Theodosian Code. Archives and collections of laws in the later Roman empire

19.12 Daniel Galadza (Pontificio Istituto Orientale), Piecing together Greek liturgy from Jerusalem after Late Antiquity 

9.01 Cezary Rudnicki (Uniwersytet Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie), The long duration of the Augustinian admonitio: From theology to politics

16.01 Łukasz Różycki (Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza),  Hush! The late Roman art of intimidation in the light of selected sources

23.01 Przemysław Piwowarczyk (Uniwersytet Śląski), What did laypeople do during the Coptic Mass? – a non-liturgical perspective