Newsletter 14_2023

According to Varro, Romulus founded Rome on 21st April 753 BCE. Slightly more current activities on antiquity research can be found below in the CRAC newsletter.
24th April (Monday), 4:45 p.m.- Seminar “Roman borderland archaeology: contacts between the Mediterranean world and neighbouring cultures”, a papr by Laurent Tholbecq (Université libre de Bruxelles), Downtown Petra during the Hellenistic and Roman Periods: some recent results. Spotkanie odbędzie się w sali 2.06 (Wydział Archeologii).
25th April (Tuesday), 5:15 p.m – Seminar “Archaeology of Egypt & Nubia”, a paper by Claire Malleson (American University of Beirut), Environment, or politics and power? Botanical remains form Tell el-Retaba (Wadi Tumilat), Egypt. The meeting will be held online (link).
27th April (Thursday), 4.45 p.m. – Ewa Wipszycka’s Late Antique Seminar, a paper by James Corke-Webster, Law and the Christians: Problems and Solutions. The Non-Liturgical Use of “Holy Oils” in the Late Antique East.. We are meeting in-person in the Library of Papyrology and Roman Law, UW (Collegium Iuridicum I), but Zoom participation is also possible at this link.
Slovenský inštitút vo Varšave (Slovakian Institute of Warsaw) and Department of Archaeology of Egypt&Nubia invites for a public lecture by Jozef Hudec and Sławomir Rzepka, Tombs, fortresses, houses and more… 15 years of Polish-Slovak archaeological excavations in Tell el-Retaba (Egypt). The event will take place on the 24th of April (Monday), 5 p.m., room 210, Faculty of Archaeology UW.
Kind regards
Team of The Centre for Research on Ancient Civilizations*
*CRAC is currently run by Maria Nowak and an advisory board consisting of three members: Jan Kwapisz, Małgorzata Sandowicz, and Dagmara Wielgosz-Rondolino. This newsletter is edited by Roman Żuchowicz.