Warsaw Late Antique Seminar – summer semester 2024/2025

Ewa Wipszycka Warsaw Late Antique Seminar
Always on Thursday, 4.45 p.m., Room 203 at the Faculty of Law, University of Warsaw
Conveners: Agata Deptuła (agata.deptula@uw.edu.pl) or Robert Wiśniewski (r.wisniewski@uw.edu.pl)
20.02 Tomasz Derda (UW), Tomasz Borowski (UW), Julia Burdajewicz (ASP) & Piotr Zakrzewski (UW) For Body and Soul. A Bath Complex and a Church, or on Monumentalism in Philoxenite on Lake Mareotis
27.02 Julia Schwarzer (Universität Regensburg), Christian Brotherhoods and Liturgical Song during Long Late Antiquity
6.03 Mar Marcos (Universidad de Cantabria) Ecclesiastical Rivalries and Urban Violence in Late Antique Rome: Evidence from Canonical Collections
13.03 Nicola Holm (UW) Constantius II and Ecclesiastical Politics: Creeds, Councils and Troublesome Bishops
20.03 Noel Lenski (Yale University) Feeding a Young Capital: The Food Supply of Constantinople in the Fourth Century
27.03 Daria Elagina (Hamburg Universität) & Dorota Dzierzbicka (UW), An Ethiopian pilgrim at Old Dongola, Sudan. New insights from a Vatican manuscript
3.04 Paweł Filipczak (Uniwersytet Łódzki) Commentary on John Malalas (XI, 3-4) on Emperor Trajan’s Expedition to the East
10.04 Zachary Chitwood (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), Eastern Roman Law, Islam and the First Millennium: Prolegomena to a ius commune orientale
24.04 Perrine Pilette (CNRS – UMR8167 Orient & Méditerranée) Patriarchs, Month After Month : Rewritings of the History of the Patriarchs of Alexandria in the Copto-Arabic Synaxarion
8.05 Stephen Shoemaker (University of Oregon) Religious Literacy in the Late Ancient Near East: Liturgical Catechesis and Not-So-Simple Believers of Roman Arabia
15.05 Peter Van Nuffelen (Universiteit Gent) The Easter Date at the Council of Nicaea: Old and New Evidence
22.05 Szymon Maślak (UW) Brick Industry in Late Antique Alexandria
29.05 Przemysław Nehring (Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika) St Augustine’s Sermons 355-356 as an Example of Communication Strategy in an Institution’s Reputational Crisis – Rhetorical Analysis vs. Modern Crisis Management Theory
5.06 Thomas Laver (University of Cambridge) New Insights into the Organisation of Monastic Estates in Egypt, 5th-9th c.