CfP: Konferencja “The Shady Trade of Hermes: Theft, Thieves and Thievery in the Ancient World”

Z okazji siedmiu lat działalności Centrum Badań nad Cywilizacjami Starożytnymi organizujemy konferencję “The Shady Trade of Hermes: Theft, Thieves and Thievery in the Ancient World”, która odbędzie się na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim w dniach 25–27.09.2025. Poniżej zamieszczamy CfP.
Intuitionally theft seems to be a simple concept of taking something away from someone, yet on any sort of closer consideration it becomes a fascinating, multi-dimensional phenomenon, or a whole range of phenomena. The theft in ancient societies could be analyzed from more than one perspective and with the use of cross-disciplinary methods. The conference is a way to provide a floor for the meeting of scholars working on different ancient societies in and beyond the Graeco-Roman world including ancient Near East and Northern Africa, on one hand. On the other, it is a chance to confront different approaches to theft in the periods under research.
Possible topics include but are not limited to the following:
– changing conceptions of theft, thieves and thievery over time;
– the various types of theft reflected in ancient sources, such as from tombs or
temples, or the appropriation of public funds;
– intellectual appropriation in ancient societies;
– legal recourses to investigating or punishing theft and modes of self-help
– theft as a delict of private law;
– literary representations of theft, thieves and thievery;
– archaeological evidence;
– the modern (il-)legal trade in antiquities.
The conference will be held in English and organized in a workshop format, with 45 minutes total for each talk and discussion, with a focus on source analysis. We invite abstracts of max. 200 words to be sent to by the 28th of February, 2025.
The conference organizers will provide the speakers with the accommodation, and if the resources are enough with partial reimbursement for travel expenses.
Key-note speaker: Roberta Mazza (University of Bologna)
Komitet organizacyjny: Maria Nowak oraz Jan Kwapisz, Małgorzata Sandowicz, Dagmara Wielgosz-Rondolino, Robert Wiśniewski