Roman Regional Pottery Supply Systems between the Stara Planina and the Danube (Bulgaria) during the Principate
Katedra Archeologii Barbaricum i Prowincji Rzymskich ma zaszczyt zaprosić na prelekcję w dniu 18 stycznia o 9.45, którą wygłosi gość Katedry – dr Lina Diers z Instytutu Archeologii Austriackiej Akademii Nauk. Dr Diers zaprezentuje referat pt. Roman Regional Pottery Supply Systems between the Stara Planina and the Danube (Bulgaria) during the Principate. Seminarium odbędzie się w sali 2.07 na Wydziale Archeologii
The lecture introduces a project that is currently being conducted at the Austrian Archaeological Institute in cooperation with the University of Warsaw. The project aims to characterise and contextualise the regional economic supply and transportation networks between the Stara Planina and the Danube in the Roman provinces of Moesia Inferior/Thracia through the lens of pottery provenance studies. The productions of the various ceramic centres in the territory of Nicopolis ad Istrum are examined using various archaeometric methods in order to develop a reference base for provenance determination, which is backed up by pottery finds from Novae, Nicopolis, and several rural sites along the Yantra, Rositsa, and Osam river valleys. The results are incorporated into research on potential transport routes, transport types, rural settlement systems, and the relationship between regional centres like Nicopolis and Novae. The lecture provides an overview of the project objectives, schedule, and potential problems of research and offers a forum for discussion.
Zdjęcie ilustrujące post pochodzi ze strony Katedry Archeologii Barbaricum i Rzymskich Prowincji. Opis ze strony: Novae 2018. Zestaw naczyń znaleziony w jednym z grobów na nekropoli wschodniej (fot. A. Tomas)