Warsaw Late Antique Seminar – semestr letni 2024/2025

Zapraszamy na kolejny cykl Ewa Wipszycka Warsaw Late Antique Seminar, zawsze w czwartek, godz. 16.45, sala 203 na Wydziale Prawa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
Prowadzący: Agaty Deptuły (agata.deptula@uw.edu.pl) lub Roberta Wiśniewskiego (r.wisniewski@uw.edu.pl)
- 20.02 Tomasz Derda (UW), Tomasz Borowski (UW), Julia Burdajewicz (ASP) & Piotr Zakrzewski (UW) For Body and Soul. A Bath Complex and a Church, or on Monumentalism in Philoxenite on Lake Mareotis
- 27.02 Julia Schwarzer (Universität Regensburg), Christian Brotherhoods and Liturgical Song during Long Late Antiquity
- 06.03 Mar Marcos (Universidad de Cantabria) Ecclesiastical Rivalries and Urban Violence in Late Antique Rome: Evidence from Canonical Collections
- 13.03 Nicola Holm (UW) Constantius II and Ecclesiastical Politics: Creeds, Councils and Troublesome Bishops
- 20.03 Noel Lenski (Yale University) Feeding a Young Capital: The Food Supply of Constantinople in the Fourth Century
- 27.03 Daria Elagina (Hamburg Universität) & Dorota Dzierzbicka (UW), An Ethiopian pilgrim at Old Dongola, Sudan. New insights from a Vatican manuscript
- 03.04 Paweł Filipczak (Uniwersytet Łódzki) Commentary on John Malalas (XI, 3-4) on Emperor Trajan’s Expedition to the East
- 10.04 Zachary Chitwood (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), Eastern Roman Law, Islam and the First Millennium: Prolegomena to a ius commune orientale
- 24.04 Perrine Pilette (CNRS – UMR8167 Orient & Méditerranée) Patriarchs, Month After Month : Rewritings of the History of the Patriarchs of Alexandria in the Copto-Arabic Synaxarion
- 08.05 Stephen Shoemaker (University of Oregon) Religious Literacy in the Late Ancient Near East: Liturgical Catechesis and Not-So-Simple Believers of Roman Arabia
- 15.05 Peter Van Nuffelen (Universiteit Gent) The Easter Date at the Council of Nicaea: Old and New Evidence
- 22.05 Szymon Maślak (UW) Brick Industry in Late Antique Alexandria
- 29.05 Przemysław Nehring (Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika) St Augustine’s Sermons 355-356 as an Example of Communication Strategy in an Institution’s Reputational Crisis – Rhetorical Analysis vs. Modern Crisis Management Theory
- 05.06 Thomas Laver (University of Cambridge) New Insights into the Organisation of Monastic Estates in Egypt, 5th-9th c.