Alexander Sarantis in the podcast series “Byzantium & Friends”

Alexander Sarantis was a guest of the podcast series Byzantium & Friends by Anthony Kaldellis. In the newest episode, Sarantis and Fotini Kondyli answer the question: if you could meet one person from Byzantine history, who would it be? And what topic of the conversation would it be?
In the other episode, Sarantis explains the backstage of raidings on Byzantine Empire: what was the impact of raiding on the lives of provincials as well as the military history and finances of Byzantium, who were the raiders, what did they want, and finally how did empire respond to them?
Byzantium & Friends is a podcast series by Anthony Kaldellis which popularises the knowledge on Byzantium and is being made for all those interested in the history of the Empire: from laymans, through students, to experts from the neighboring fields of the research.
If you could meet and interview one person from Byzantine history, who would it be and why? Link to the podcast >>
Raiders, marauders, ravagers, and pirates: their impact on Byzantine life. Link to the podcast >>
Picture’s credits: Byzantium & Friends:
See more:
Alexander Sarantis, The Socio-Economic Impact of Raiding on the Eastern and Balkan Borderlands of the Eastern Roman Empire, 502-602, Millennium 17 (2020): 203-264, DOI: 10.1515/mill-2020-0008.